Recognizing that environmental issues are a challenge common to all humankind, we are aware of our social responsibility as a corporation, and as a good corporate citizen, we are actively working to preserve the global environment. Based on our Medium-Term Management Plan One2025 (One Two Zero Two Five), which was formulated in April 2023, we are promoting business innovation and organizational transformation to further enhance corporate value. In our medium-term management plan, we aim to develop sustainable management as a basic policy. As non-financial items, we have set nine priority goals related to environmental contribution, human resources development and organizational growth. We issued green bonds in December 2023 as a means of obtaining capital for allocation to business that functions to improve the environment.
Summary of the first unsecured green bond issuance | |
Maturity | 5 years |
Issuance amount | 10 billion yen |
Interest rate | 1.062% |
Issuance date/Maturity date | December 14,2023/December 14,2028 |
Use of proceeds | Construction funds of Green buildings • Fukuchiyama Factory No. 2 • R&D Center at the Sanda Factory |
Framework | November 2023 |
Second Opinion | Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) |
Structuring agent* | Nomura Securities Co.,Ltd. |
Reporting | FY2024 |
* Supporting the issuance of green bonds by providing advice on the formulation of green bond frameworks and obtaining second-party opinions.
<Related Information>
◼ Medium-term Management Plan “One2025”