Medium-term Management Plan “One2025”

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The Company commenced its new three-year medium-term management plan, “One2025” in fiscal 2023.
At this turning point marked by the 100th anniversary of the company’s founding, we will pursue further improvement of corporate value (economic value social value) and lay the foundation to make a leap forward toward the next 100 years.


Basic Philosophy


Basic Policies


    Business Targets

    (Unit: Million Yen)
    BTvision22 One2025
    FY2022 FY2025 Increase (Decrease) Change rate
    Results Target
    Sales 48,702 66,000 17,298 35.5%
    Operating income 13,842 17,000 3,158 22.8%
    Operating income ratio 28.4% 25.7% -2.7P
    ROE 18.6% 10% or more
    Payout ratio 30.0% 30% or more
    Growth investment (3-year cumulative total)3,715 (3-year cumulative total)25,000 21,285 672.9%

  • By segment

    Electronic equipment business
    Sales 36,819 48,000 11,181 30.3%
    Operating income 11,759 14,500 2,741 23.3%
    Industrial equipment business
    Sales 11,844 18,000 6,156 51.9%
    Operating income 2,059 2,500 441 21.4%

    Business Strategies and Measures by Segment


    Synergy with TANKEN SEAL SEIKO


    Non-financial Items: Priority Targets


    Financial strategy Cash Allocation

    Growth investment

    Each medium-term Management Plan - Growth investment(Facility,M&A,DX,Workforce,etc.)

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