PILLAR Group considers fruitful relationships with its stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, people in local communities, and employees who support the Group from within, lead to sustainable development of the Group and society at large.
Human resources management initiativesPolicy on Diversity ManagementGroup Human Rights PolicyHealth and Productivity Management
PILLAR works to increase human resource value to ensure continuing, sustained growth.
Amid recent escalation of competition for human resources, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA), and the important task of cultivating globally relevant personnel, we are introducing new human resource systems from April 2020 because we see a need to build a human resource framework that is in tune with the present day but also looks to the longer term.
Also, in response to the spread of COVID-19, the Company is promoting a more efficient way of working by introducing telecommuting, meeting with customers via video conferencing, and other IT measures. In addition, we launched a business reform project in 2020 to improve the work-life balance of our employees by taking an inventory of current operations and using various IT technologies to streamline operations, improve productivity, and create more spare time for our employees.
Furthermore, PILLAR regards keeping the workplace environment safe as an important management responsibility because accidents at the workplace threaten the safety of employees and have the potential to affect the surrounding environment and business continuity.
Based on this recognition, we conduct ongoing hazard prediction activities and the Company’s president goes to factories to conduct on-site inspections in order to prevent workplace accidents from occurring. We also publish health and safety news for each workplace to raise employee safety awareness.
PILLAR recognizes that important hints for business development are often concealed in the requests of customers and organizes their requests and feedback using customer request cards. These requests are reported at the Strategy Meeting, Management Meeting and meetings of other bodies and discussed in order to tie the feedback into product improvements and new product development.
Also, in order to serve customer requests, coordination between sales and engineering divisions is essential. When we visit our customers, our engineering staff accompanies sales staff, and by adding a technical perspective, we are able to understand the essence of the issues regarding their requests and make the best proposals.
As for customer evaluations of our products and services, we conduct a questionnaire of Customer Satisfaction Survey, once a year. Starting in fiscal 2020, we have made this questionnaire electronic, so that we can quickly absorb customer feedback and strive to further improve customer satisfaction through discussions at management meetings and feedback to workplaces.
In order to continue fair and transparent transactions with our suppliers and to carry out our purchasing activities, we have established our Procurement Policy and are striving to realize fair business activities. As part of our measures to deepen exchanges and conduct smooth activities to ensure stable procurement from suppliers, we hold briefings on our Procurement Policy and provide information on the initiatives of each business, production overview, and future production plans. In 2021, while the effects of the spread of COVID-19 were still strong, we held our first supplier policy briefing in two years remotely, prioritizing safety. We will continue to develop mutually with our business partners and aim to achieve stable business continuity by placing the highest priority on supply responsibility and stable supply to our customers.
In light of the expansion of ESG-related investment and global procurement, we will also appropriately address issues surrounding supply chain management, which is an important issue for both companies and stakeholders. The issue of conflict minerals, in which mineral resources extracted through inhumane acts in specific conflict areas are used to fund the activities of armed groups, and economic activities using textile raw materials produced through the persecution of specific races, have become social issues that violate basic human rights. We recognize these as serious issues in our supply chain and strive to avoid the use of minerals and fiber raw materials of concern. These issues related to supply chain management cover a wide range of areas, including the environment, human rights, quality, business practices, and disaster response. In order to appropriately manage and respond to these risks, we have revised and are implementing the PILLAR CSR Procurement Guidelines, a group procurement policy that outlines our Procurement Policy and CSR Procurement Standard.
We have established and implemented our CSR Procurement Guidelines encompassing our Procurement Policy and CSR Procurement Standard.
Please refer to Pillar CSR Procurement Guidelines for detailed policies and initiatives that our employees must adopt and adhere to when engaged in business dealings with our suppliers.
In order to carry out sound and appropriate business activities, we handle anti-social forces in accordance with the Guideline for Prevention of Damages from Anti-Social Forces in Industry. This means we take a resolute stance against such forces with firm conviction, cut off any such relationships and work hard to continually maintain the public’s trust while also coordinating with supplies, having them send proof of confirmation, etc.
As a manufacturer, we believe that it is our important social responsibility to convey the wonder of manufacturing to the younger generation who will lead the future, and that this will lead to the sustainable development of society as a whole. Based on this belief, we accept internships mainly from high school, technical college and university students. We will continue to cooperate with various high schools, technical colleges, and universities to support students so that they can play an active role in society.
We also consider the cultivation of relationships with the communities where our factories and offices are located to be an important activity. We are committed to coexistence and co-prosperity with local communities through consideration of the residents living near our factories. We hold factory tours and sponsor traditional culture and art to revitalize local communities. Other initiatives we promote include those for reduction of food loss and food waste and reduction of plastic waste.