
In utilizing our website, well understand and appreciate the following.

Among the planning, outlook, strategy and firm confidence, etc. of PILLAR Corporation and affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as "Our Company") that are inserted on our website, what is not a historical fact corresponds to the outlook for the future. These were judged by our company management group, based on the information available at present. You are requested to be well aware that the actual business results or achievements can significantly differ from the outlook of these business results, depending on various important elements, such as economic trend, market demand and foreign exchange trend or fluctuations.

Our website is created for the purpose of only providing reference information required to judge investment, which is not intended for investment canvassing. The final decision as to investment should be made by the users themselves under their judgment.

The greatest possible care is given to the information appearing on our website, but it should be understood in advance that our company is not in a position to assume any responsibility for information errors or mistakes appearing on our website, data alteration by the third parties, and trouble during data downloading, etc. for any reason.

In our website, all information disclosed to the Stock Exchange by our company may not be appearing or the expression different from the disclosed information may be given.

It should be noted that the information on our website is subject to changes and deletion without prior notice.

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