PILLAR Seal Solutions Corporation Company Data

As of April 1, 2023

Name PILLAR Seal Solutions Corporation
Head Office 7-1, Shinmachi 1-chome, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0013 Japan
Establishment 2005
President Yasuhiro Matsukawa
Capital JPY 30 million
Lines of business - Sale of fluid control equipment (mechanical seal, gland packing, gasket, pilaflon (fluorocarbon polymers) and other products)
- Mechanical seal repair service
- Consulting for seal products (proposals for life extension, safety measures, etc.)
Sales offices Chiba, Kawasaki, Chubu, Shiga, Sakai, Okayama, Yamaguchi

On April 1, 2022, we reorganized seven sales companies of the PILLAR Group and inaugurated Pillar Seal Solutions Co., Ltd. On July 1, 2024, we renamed Pillar Seal Solutions Co.,Ltd. to PILLAR Seal Solutions Corporation.

PILLAR Seal Solutions Corporation not only sells seal products and pilaflon products for industrial machinery, but also provides solutions for problems with pumps, mixer shaft seals, and other companies' products, as well as repair and consulting services for seal products to all corporate users in Japan.

We make constant effort as a sales company of a comprehensive seal manufacturer that is familiar to and reliable for everyone.

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